Golden Teapot

Armagh’s Golden Teapot is once again gracing the city’s streets and is already turning heads after been installed on the exterior of the Charlemont Arts Hotel Armagh.
The Teapot was originated by James Irwin, in 1870, and he used it to attract customers to his family grocery store and café on Scotch Street. It remained there for over a century until it was unfortunately damaged by an articulated-lorry in the 1990s.
It was gifted then to the Armagh County Museum and had been in climate-controlled storage until recent years, when it was decided it should once again put in a long overdue public appearance.
Thanks to the Armagh City Townscape Heritage Scheme, the teapot has been restored, and has now checked in as a long-stay guest of the popular Lower English Street hotel. An interpretation panel is on the exterior wall where more detail is available on the teapot’s history.